編程機械基礎 STEM Foundation
課程適合初次接觸STEM課程的小學生。透過使用方塊編程, 讓學生學習編程邏輯基礎, 體驗編程與簡單機械工程的樂趣。課程旨於培養學生解難能力, 提升學生個人自信心, 為高小與初中的科技應用打好基礎。
This course is suitable for young students who are new to STEM programs. Through the use of block programming, students will learn the fundamentals of programming logic and experience the fun of programming and simple mechanical engineering. The program aims to develop students' problem solving skills, boost their self-confidence, and lay the foundation for science applications in upper elementary and middle school. |
關鍵學習 Key Learning :
學習技能 Skills:
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Scratch是麻省理工媒體實驗室開發的一套以高階積木塊為基礎的視覺化程式設計語言開發平台。Scratch is an advanced block-based visual programming language development platform developed by MIT Media Lab. 學習目標 Learning Objective : > 透過編程培養邏輯思維、計劃能力 Practice logical thinking, planning skills through coding. > 幫助學生瞭解和練習基礎編程概念 Help students understand and practice basic programming concepts. |
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MIT App Inventor
MIT App Inventor 是一款圖形界面的智慧型手機應用程式開發軟體。它起先由Google提供的應用軟體,現在由麻省理工學院維護及營運。MIT App Inventor is a graphical interface for smartphone application development software. It started as an application provided by Google and is now maintained and operated by MIT. 學習目標 Learning Objective : > 透過編程培養邏輯思維、計劃能力 Practice logical thinking, planning skills through coding. > 透過編程學習製作功能齊全的手機應用程序 Learn to build fully functional app for through coding. |
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Make Code Arcade
MakeCode Arcade是一個微軟提供的創作遊戲的編程平台。 學生透過方塊編程製作屬於自己的遊戲,從中學習電腦及設計思維。Makecode Arcade is a platform for creating games provided by Microsoft.Students can make their own games through block programming, and learnabout computers and design thinking in the process. 學習目標 Learning Objective : > 透過編程培養邏輯思維、計劃能力 Practice logical thinking, planning skills through coding. > 學習圖形化編程介面、設計和開發遊戲 Learn graphical programming interface, game design & development |
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MakeCode micro:bit 是一個英國BBC推出的微型電腦開發板。 學生可以透過編程操控板上的感應器,或連接其他硬件製作不同裝置。MakeCode micro:bit is a micro computer development board from the BBC.Students can programme the board to manipulate the sensors on the board, or connect other hardware to create different devices. 學習目標 Learning Objective : > 透過編程培養邏輯思維、計劃能力 Practice logical thinking, planning skills through coding. > 學習連接電子元件、設計電子硬件專案 Learn to connect electronic parts & design electronic hardware projects |
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Cutebot (micro:bit)
micro:bit Cutebot 是一個STEAM教育機器人,旨在教授編程。它由微型電腦開發板micro:bit驅動,並依據學生所寫入的編程指令移動。The micro:bit Cutebot is a STEAM educational robot designed to teach programming. It is driven by a micro:bit microcomputer development board and moves according to programming instructions written by the student. 學習目標 Learning Objective : > 透過編程培養邏輯思維、計劃能力 Practice logical thinking, planning skills through coding. > 學習連接電子元件、設計電子硬件專案 Learn to connect electronic parts & design electronic hardware projects |
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Creative Building Block (micro:bit)
創意積木套件 是一套旨在教授編程及基礎硬件而設的積木教材。它可配合微型電腦開發板micro:bit驅動,並依據編程指令執行動作。The Creative Building Blocks Kit is a set of building blocks designed to teach programming and basic hardware. It can be used with a micro:bit to drive and execute actions according to programming instructions. 學習目標 Learning Objective : > 透過編程培養邏輯思維、計劃能力 Practice logical thinking, planning skills through coding. > 學習連接電子元件、設計電子硬件專案 Learn to connect electronic parts & design electronic hardware projects |
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Minecraft Education
課程將介紹學生使用Minecraft開發遊戲,教授基礎程式設計概念和Minecraft模組的操作技巧,讓學生透過遊戲創作體驗學習編程。This course will introduce students to the development of games using Minecraft, teach basic programming concepts and Minecraft operation skills, and allow students to learn programming through game creation experience. 學習目標 Learning Objective : > 透過編程培養邏輯思維、計劃能力 Practice logical thinking, planning skills through coding. > 透過編程學習培養創造力、創意解難能力、協作學習、項目管理能力 Develop problem solving skills, collaborative skills, project management skill through coding. |
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Roblox Coding
課程將介紹學生使用Roblox Studio開發遊戲,教授基礎程式設計概念和Roblox Studio的操作技巧,讓學生透過遊戲創作體驗學習編程。This course will introduce students to the development of games using Roblox Studio, teach basic programming concepts and Roblox Studio operation skills, and allowstudents to learn programming through game creation experience. 學習目標 Learning Objective : > 透過編程培養邏輯思維、計劃能力 Practice logical thinking, planning skills through coding. > 學習遊戲創作、遊戲場景開發及編寫遊戲 Learn to develop game, game scenario and game coding |